*Our offices will be closed Monday, Nov. 12, in observance of Veterans Day.

Adoption/Orphan Care Roundtable (Nov. 11)
CrossPointe will host a roundtable discussion (with time for questions) on adoption and orphan care on Sunday, Nov. 11, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Childcare will be available.

Ladies’ Lunch (Nov. 13)
Every month, CrossPointe’s women gather for food and fellowship. Lunches (Chick-fil-A) cost $5. Their next lunch is Tuesday, Nov. 13, at noon. Childcare will be provided! RSVP to Sigourney Ward.

Community Group Leader Training (Nov. 14)
If you are a Community Group leader, co-leader/apprentice, or are interested in becoming one, please come to our leader training on Wednesday, Nov. 14, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Childcare will be available.

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes (Nov. 18)
Consider donating a shoebox of gifts for children in need this Christmas. Boxes are due by Nov. 18. To learn more, visit the table in the foyer or e-mail Elayne Saucier.

Homes Needed for Soldiers’ Thanksgiving
If you are willing to host soldiers for a meal on Thanksgiving Day, please contact the CrossPointe office at 706-653-2075 or e-mail Sigourney Ward. Likewise, if you’re a soldier who will stay in the area during Thanksgiving (and would like a meal!), contact the office as well.

Starting Pointe (Nov. 30 – Dec. 2)
Anyone considering membership at CrossPointe must attend Starting Pointe, a three-part membership class. The next Starting Pointe will be Nov. 30 (6:30–9 p.m.), Dec. 1 (9 a.m. – noon) and 2 (6–7:30 p.m.). Childcare will be provided. If you want to attend, please e-mail Robert Ward.

Children’s Ministry Orientation (Dec. 9)
All new Children’s Ministry volunteers must attend this training on Sunday, December 9, at 9 a.m. Childcare will be provided. Sign up by e-mailing Christy Barnes.