***Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 a.m. on Nov. 4. (Just set your clocks back one hour!)***

Saturday Seminar: Eschatology (Nov. 3)

Join us tomorrow from 10 a.m. to noon as we discuss eschatology, the study of “last things.” In particular, we’ll look at Jesus’ return, the end of the world and how current events fit into the big picture. Childcare will be provided!

Sunday: “One Another” Member Meeting
Every other month CrossPointe’s members gather for a “One Another” meeting to consider matters pertinent to the life of the church—new members, finances, missions updates, prayer requests, etc. Our next meeting will be Sunday, Nov. 4, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Non-members are welcome to attend, and childcare is provided.

Monday: Prayer for the USA
On Monday, Nov. 5, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., the sanctuary will be open for anyone to come and pray for our country and its leaders before Election Day (Nov. 6).

Men’s Lunch (Nov. 6) & Ladies’ Lunch (Nov. 13)
Every month, CrossPointe’s men and women gather for food and fellowship. Lunches (Chick-fil-A) cost $5. The men will meet again on Tuesday, Nov. 6, at noon. RSVP to Reynold Counts if you’ll be there. The ladies will gather on Tuesday, Nov. 13, at noon. Childcare will be provided! RSVP to Sigourney Ward if you’ll be there.

Adoption/Orphan Care Roundtable (Nov. 11)
CrossPointe will host a roundtable discussion (with time for questions) on adoption and orphan care on Sunday, Nov. 11, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. If you will need childcare, please RSVP by Nov. 7 to Sigourney Ward.

Community Group Leader Training (Nov. 14)
If you are a Community Group leader, co-leader/apprentice, or are interested in becoming one, please come to our leader training on Wednesday, Nov. 14, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Childcare will be available.

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes (Due Nov. 18)
Consider donating a shoebox of gifts for children in need this Christmas. Boxes are due by Nov. 18. To learn more, visit the table in the foyer or e-mail Elayne Saucier.

Starting Pointe Membership Class (Nov. 30 – Dec. 2)
Anyone considering membership at CrossPointe must attend Starting Pointe, a three-part membership class. The next Starting Pointe will be Nov. 30 (6:30–9 p.m.), Dec. 1 (9 a.m. – noon) and 2 (6–7:30 p.m.). Childcare will be provided. If you want to attend, please e-mail Robert Ward.

Children’s Ministry Orientation (Dec. 9)
All new Children’s Ministry volunteers must attend this training on Sunday, December 9, at 9 a.m. Childcare will be provided. Sign up by e-mailing Christy Barnes.