Summer Youth Calendar || High-school and middle-school students meet together on Wednesdays, 6:30–7:30 p.m. Upcoming: HS pool party—Raborns’, June 9; MS pool party—Sauciers’, July 7; service project—Camp Joy, June 12 (6–8 p.m.); Summer Retreat—June 20–23 ($150).
Baby Bottle Boomerang (Now–June 16) || Help raise funds for Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic! Starting today, CrossPointe will have baby bottles available in the foyer for you, your family, your Community Group, etc., to collect change, bills and checks for Sound Choices! The drive ends on Father’s Day, so fill as many bottles as you want (one at a time).
Ladies’ Lunch (June 18) || CrossPointe’s women gather monthly on the third Tuesday for lunch ($5 Chick-fil-A). E-mail Sigourney Ward or sign up via Connection Card if you’ll be there on Tuesday, June 18, at noon. Childcare is provided.
Children’s Ministry Volunteer Training (June 23) || If you would like to help with children’s ministry at CrossPointe and have not attended our volunteer orientation, please attend the next one on Sunday, June 23, at 9 a.m. Contact Christy Barnes for more information or to sign up.
Baptism Sunday (June 23) || Water baptism is a symbol of the Christian’s unity with Christ in death to sin and renewed life to God. If you would like to be baptized or learn more about baptism, please contact Robert Ward.
Base Camp (June 24–28) || Children entering 1st–6th grades are invited to Base Camp at CrossPointe June 24–28 (9 a.m.–4 p.m., daily). College staff will lead “cabins” in studying the Bible, worshiping together and participating in fun activities typically found at overnight camps! Camp costs $235/child (scholarships are still available). To register visit or contact Robert Ward.
Midweek Fellowship (July 10) || CrossPointe will have a weekly meal with teaching on Wednesdays in July starting July 10. Dinner ($5) will start at 5:45 p.m. and the teaching at 6:30 p.m. There will be children’s ministry through Middle School after dinner as well.
Deacon Candidate Q&A (July 10) || Robby Farmer is a candidate for deacon over benevolence. Come meet him and ask questions on Wednesday, July 10, at 7:30 p.m. after Midweek Fellowship!