Children’s Ministry Orientation (Sunday)
All new Children’s Ministry volunteers must attend this training on Sunday, Dec. 9, at 9 a.m. Childcare will be provided. Sign up by e-mailing Christy Barnes.
Greeters Needed
The church needs more volunteers to greet visitors on Sundays, preferably in time for the new schedule to be made for January. Please e-mail Mary Mullins if you are a member and interested in serving as a greeter.
Ladies’ Lunch (Dec. 11)
Every month, CrossPointe’s women gather for food and fellowship. Lunches (Chick-fil-A) cost $5. The ladies will gather on Tuesday, Dec. 11, at noon. Childcare will be provided! RSVP to Sigourney Ward if you’ll be there.
Christmas Concert to Benefit Maguire Family Adoption (Dec. 14)
Clement Arts will be hosting a Christmas concert at CrossPointe on Friday, Dec. 14, at 7 p.m. This free concert will benefit Kris & Allison Maguire as they adopt.
Christmas Calendar
-No Kids’ Church on Dec. 23
-Christmas Eve service at 6 p.m.
-Offices closed Dec. 24, reopening Jan. 2
Ski Retreat (Jan. 3–6) & How You Can Help Students
Families and high-school students are invited to join CrossPointe’s youth for skiing in West Virginia, January 3–6. The trip will cost $300 to ski and $330 to snowboard, or $175 to come and hang out. This includes: 3 nights lodging, 2 full days skiing (8 hours/day!), all meals (except travel), a t-shirt and a concert by Tenth Avenue North. For more information, please e-mail Will Hawk. If you would like to help pay for a student to go on this retreat, please visit the website to complete this form, giving your information and specifying any prerequisites.
“One Another” Meeting (Jan. 13)
Every other month CrossPointe’s members gather for a “One Another” meeting to consider matters pertinent to the life of the church—new members, finances, missions updates, prayer requests, etc. Our next meeting will be Sunday, Jan. 13, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Non-members are welcome to attend, and childcare is provided.
Missions Conference (Jan. 25–27)
CrossPointe will hold its annual missions conference, featuring guest speaker Joey Ellis, during the weekend of Jan. 25–27. We’ll hear from a guest speaker on Friday and Sunday, and gather on Saturday night for a banquet featuring booths of missionaries and missions organizations.
Membership Class (Feb. 22–24)
Anyone considering membership at CrossPointe must attend Starting Pointe, a three-part membership class. The next Starting Pointe will be Feb. 22 (6:30–9 p.m.), 23 (9 a.m. – noon) and 24 (6–7:30 p.m.). Childcare will be provided. If you want to attend, please e-mail Robert Ward.