*CrossPointe’s offices will be closed on Monday, Sept. 3, for Labor Day.
Child Dedication Class (September 2)
CrossPointe’s families will be dedicating their newly born/adopted children on Sunday, September 9. Anyone interested in participating must attend a class on Sunday, September 2, at 8:45 a.m. Childcare will be provided. Please e-mail Wayne Shealy to sign up.
“One Another” Member Meeting (September 9)
Every other month CrossPointe’s members gather for a “One Another” meeting to consider matters pertinent to the life of the church—new members, finances, missions updates, prayer requests, etc. Our next meeting is Sunday, September 9 (6–7:30 p.m.). Non-members are welcome to attend, and childcare is provided.
Men’s Lunch (Sept. 4) & Ladies’ Lunch (Sept. 11)
Every month, CrossPointe’s men and women gather for food and fellowship. Lunches (Chick-fil-A) cost $5. The men will meet again on Tuesday, Sept. 4, at noon. RSVP to Reynold Counts if you’ll be there. The ladies will gather on Tuesday, Sept. 11, at noon. Childcare will be provided! RSVP to Jennifer Batey if you’ll be there.
Starting Pointe (September 14–16)
Anyone considering membership at CrossPointe must attend Starting Pointe, a three-part membership class. The next Starting Pointe will be September 14 (6:30–9 p.m.), 15 (9 a.m. – noon) and 16 (6:30–9 p.m.). Childcare will be provided. If you want to attend, please e-mail Robert Ward.
Baptism Sunday (September 23)
On Sunday, September 23, CrossPointe will baptize several individuals, symbolizing the Christian’s unity with Christ in death to sin and renewed life to God. To learn more about being baptized, please e-mail Wayne Shealy.
Community Groups
Small groups are intended to bring the gospel more into focus in our daily lives. Anyone can join a group, but please contact group leaders to confirm their next meeting! Visit our website for groups’ info (or look at the board in the foyer).
Fall Studies & Activities
In addition to Community Groups, CrossPointe is introducing a few Bible/book studies and other regular activities (playgroup, prayer groups, etc.) led by members of the church. To learn more about all that’s offered, please take a flyer from the foyer or visit our website.