Young Adult Fellowship (April 12) || If you’re 18–25 years old come meet for fellowship (and dessert) at the home of Robby & Hollie Farmer on Friday, April 12, at 7 p.m. To sign up and get more info, contact Robert Ward.

Ladies’ Lunch (April 16) || The women of CrossPointe now gather on the third Tuesday of the month for lunch ($5 Chick-fil-A). E-mail Sigourney Ward or sign up via Connection Card if you’ll be there on Tuesday, April 16, at noon. Childcare is always provided!

Register for Base Camp Today || On June 24–28, CrossPointe will host a day-camp for kids entering 1st–6th grades. At Base Camp children study the Bible and worship together as well as participate in camp activities with their counselors. Camp costs $235/child and scholarships are available. To register or learn more about Base Camp visit or contact Robert Ward. Better yet, watch this video. If you are interested in greeting families, serving as a nurse, hosting camp staff at your home, or providing and serving lunch to camp staff, please contact Robert.

Get Connected || There are several ways you can connect to life at CrossPointe. (You can sign up for all of these via Connection Card.)
· Meet the person next to you on a Sunday morning.
· Visit a Community Group.
· Serve in Children’s Ministry or help with youth.
· Come to member meetings.
· Join the church by attending the next Starting Pointe (May 17–19).
You can always find out more about CrossPointe by visiting our website!