An Update

Dear CrossPointe,

I returned home yesterday from South Africa after a wonderful week of ministry speaking at the annual missions conference of Brackenhurst Baptist Church in Johannesburg. It was so encouraging to get to know the congregation and see all that they are involved in regarding missions and world outreach.

However, it was also a strange feeling being separated from my biological and spiritual family during such a tumultuous and uncertain week. While I was on another continent, the elders were keeping me abreast of our response as church leadership and I am so thankful for my fellow under-shepherds. The Lord has blessed our church with wise, sober-minded, godly men.

Below is an important update from the elders that outlines what life will look like at CrossPointe for the foreseeable future. Please do read it in its entirety. But, before you do, allow me to share one brief reflection and an encouragement.

First, a reflection. Clearly it is no coincidence that we’ve been going through James. The message of this short letter is so applicable to our situation. Think of several of the main themes of the letter. Trials are for our good (James 1:2–15). True saving faith will prove itself through action and love for others—and what an opportunity we have to do that now (James 2). To presume upon the future is arrogant and evil; instead we ought to humbly trust the Lord and do the good we ought to do today (James 4:13–17).

Second, an encouragement. If you’ve been around CrossPointe for even just a short time, you know that one of our foundational beliefs is our trust in the utter, exhaustive, and good sovereignty of God. He works all things according to the counsel of his will (Ephesians 1:11) and for the good of his people (Romans 8:28). Everything, even tiny little viruses that turn the world upside down, exists in some way to ultimately shine the light of God’s glory in all things (Romans 11:36). So, in light of these truths, as God’s redeemed people whose eternities are secure, we are called to point an anxious world to the good news of the gospel. Philippians 2:14–16 says, “Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life.” What an opportunity we have to do that now, brothers and sisters! Now more than ever the world needs the church to be a city set on a hill, shining with good works that commend what the world truly needs—the good news that Christ is our only hope. Praise God.

Please read this update from the elders below. I love you, CrossPointe, and I’m so thankful for you.



An update from the elders:

First, thank you to everyone who donated breakfast items for Truth Spring Academy. We’ll keep you posted if we can assist them or other groups with similar needs in the coming weeks.

On Monday night the elders discussed our church’s plans for the foreseeable future. In light of government recommendations concerning COVID-19, we have adopted the following plan:

- For the foreseeable future we will live-stream worship services online via this website, Vimeo, and Facebook, rather than gather as a church body. Families with young children will be able to download resources from The Gospel Project as well.

- Though we are not gathering together, our church’s budget and the support of ministries worldwide still depend on regular giving to the church. We urge members to continue giving their regular offerings via our website or the postal service. If you need help setting up an online account, please contact Springer Cain. Similarly, if you find yourself under financial strain, know that we are eager to assist members in need.

- The pastors and staff will maintain regular office hours: Mon.–Thurs., 9am–4pm, and Fri., 9am–noon. Should you need pastoral care, counsel, or prayer, please contact the church office or individual pastors directly. We ask anyone who is sick or has been exposed to someone sick to refrain from coming to the church office and instead set up a phone call or video chat.

- The rest of the church building is unavailable through the end of March. Likewise, we encourage Community Groups not to meet. We are also indefinitely postponing our member meeting originally scheduled for Sun., April 5.

The elders will extend or alter this plan as future developments dictate, and we will communicate any updates via website, social media, and enewsletter. Please help us spread the word to other members and regular attenders of CrossPointe.