I love reading Spurgeon as I prepare to preach. I especially love his passionate and warm pleas for people to come to Christ. Here are some beautiful words from a sermon he preached on Romans 4:5 entitled, "God Justifieth the Ungodly."
Come in your disorder. I mean, come to your heavenly Father in all your sin and sinfulness. Come to Jesus just as you are: leprous, filthy, naked, neither fit to live nor fit to die. Come, you that are the very sweepings of creation; come, though you hardly dare to hope for anything but death. Come, though despair is brooding over you, pressing upon your bosom like a horrible nightmare. Come and ask the Lord to justify another ungodly one. Why should He not? Come, for this great mercy of God is meant for such as you. I put in it in the language of the text, and I cannot put it more strongly: the Lord God Himself takes to Himself the gracious title, "Him that justifieth the ungodly." He makes just, and causes to be treated as just, those who by nature are ungodly. Is not that a wonderful word for you? Do not delay till you have considered this matter well.
-C.H. Spurgeon (All of Grace, p.34-35)